Hi Brianna Speaking Please Read And Enjoy!!!!

Aright this is my first time having a blog so I hope you like it, but if you don't well I'm not gonna change it.
Well I figured I would start off with a little bit about me. I like horses, wait, let me rephrase that I love horses almost more than anything. The only reason I can't say more than anything is because of my family and totaly awsome friends. My parents are the bomb and so is the rest of my family, and my friends are something to be said for. I can tell you now you won't find better friends than mine. I'm a used to be gymnast, but now I retired to my real dream, horses, I have three, and in the middle of training two of them. My friends say that I'm down to earth and fun to hang out with but I have no shame, my family would probably tell you the same. I work hard to get what I want in life and live it to it's fullest, you should try it, it's fun. Well I could go on and on about me but who wants that right?
Check out the blog and if you want to post a comment go right ahead, hope you have fun reading the posts and looking at the pictures.

My music


I dedicate this to Erik, you will be in our hearts forever.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Zack getting his award for playing football.
(top) Paxton took a first place in the all
around level four gymnastics.
(bottom) Miranda getting chalk right before competition bar routine

Oh look at the great chef Franki.

Safety precautions sure, sure what ever you say dad.

Older pics

Yea he wasn't getting out any time soon.

Older pics

Some new pics of me and some of me and my friends.

This pic is of Ali, when she came to my slumber party she was a strawberry blond and when she left... well she left as a fuchsia.

She looks totally awesome with the fuchsia in her hair, not every body can pull it off.

Here are the pics of me and my friends at my slumber party for my thirteenth birthday.

That's Ali on the right, and then me on the end.

me in the middle, and Ali on the left.

These are just me, and if you leave a comment tell me what you think about the new hair please?

Okay talk to you all later.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

I also thought it would be cool to find out which girl I was from twilight.

I'm a Esme! I found out through TwilightersAnonymous.com. Which Twilight Female Are You? Take the quiz and find out!
Take the Quiz and Share Your Results!
I'm a Emmett! I found out through TwilightersAnonymous.com. Which Twilight Male Are You? Take the quiz and find out!
Take the Quiz and Share Your Results!

I took the quiz just for fun to see who I was, and was really shocked.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Pics of us in Colorado.

Hello this post is for my best friend Alisha who lives in Florida and has never seen snow. So these pics are for you Alisha and happy st Patty's day I miss you sooooo much.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

I love you mama and daddy

Since the last time I wrote I have gotten my braces off, moved to Colorado and have been living in a camper and been looking at houses so a lot has gone on. We have ben in the camper for about two weeks but today we found a house and are gonna put an offer on it and hope we get it. I want horses when we get a house and my loving adoring perfect parents are doing all they can in their will power to get a house big enough for are whole family that allows horses with a barn already on it just to make a dream of mine come true. They are sooooooooo sweet I love them so much. The house we are thinking about buying has a open faced barn and a three acre lot and on the three acres a huge pen for the horses it's probably about one and a half to two acre pen it's humongous and the house is a five bedroom so I get my own room it's so beautiful. I hope we get that house, I want it so so so so so bad and the only reason I might get a chance to have my dream home is because of my mama and daddy.

Friday, February 1, 2008


Today was a disaster I couldn't get a front handspring to save my life. I crashed into the vault table over fifteen times I kept telling myself the only thing thats going to hurt me was the vault table which aparently wasn't working cause I constantly kept running into it insted of going over it. Even though I kept running into the vault and never really got hurt my poor brother was on the parallel bars and is in the hospital right now for a possibly broken hand so we are wiating to find out how he's doing. Although if it is his broken it's not anything new to this family we have had more broken bones than you can think of. My brother the oldest broke his right arm twice and left arm once, when we were really little I pushed him off a chair and droped him off a top bunk, but the bunk bed was an accident. I broke my arm on a trampoline and broke my foot when I ran it over with a four wheeler and my other sister who's ten broke her arm when we were playing in the car getting ready to go somewhere and got it shut in a car door and broke her other arm when she was being pulled on a scooter with a bike and fell over "DUMN IDEA" and she broke it again when she fell from the monkey bars and broke her sternum jumping from the tree to the trampoline and missed. My other sister who's eight broke her foot on an exercise wheel when she triped over it and my youngest sister who's seven broke her leg riding on my cousin's lap on a bike she slid forward and got her leg cought in the spokes. My mom broke her collarbone. I don't think my dad has broke anything and hopfully we won't have any more breaks.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Aren't they so adorable?

Oh ya she thinks she's all that. Funny thing is she is all that.

This is for Ali