Hi Brianna Speaking Please Read And Enjoy!!!!

Aright this is my first time having a blog so I hope you like it, but if you don't well I'm not gonna change it.
Well I figured I would start off with a little bit about me. I like horses, wait, let me rephrase that I love horses almost more than anything. The only reason I can't say more than anything is because of my family and totaly awsome friends. My parents are the bomb and so is the rest of my family, and my friends are something to be said for. I can tell you now you won't find better friends than mine. I'm a used to be gymnast, but now I retired to my real dream, horses, I have three, and in the middle of training two of them. My friends say that I'm down to earth and fun to hang out with but I have no shame, my family would probably tell you the same. I work hard to get what I want in life and live it to it's fullest, you should try it, it's fun. Well I could go on and on about me but who wants that right?
Check out the blog and if you want to post a comment go right ahead, hope you have fun reading the posts and looking at the pictures.

My music


I dedicate this to Erik, you will be in our hearts forever.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Aren't they so adorable?

Say hi to my mama.

You won't see that agian.

Four roundoff back handsprings.

It's harder than it looks.

That took a year to land on the beam and not fall off.

Pure determination

Unfortunately determination wasn't enough.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

This is our camper 7 people and a dog in a 32 foot camper for 2 weeks oh ya it was tough but we got through it. It wasn't easy keeping it perfect as you can tell. My poor brother and father they were outside every morning in the snow on thier backs in twenty degrees weather or lower with my moms blow dryer to unfreeze the pipes under the camper. That blow dryer was fried we had to get a new one. I felt so bad and I couldn't even help cause I was running a 101 fever the entire time it was the only thing warm in that camper cause we kept running out of propane in the middle of the night. On the plus side we found a couple of really nice houses and got some good family bonding time.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

We were getting new carpet in all the bedrooms so we had no furniture for a couple of days. Yes our rooms were cleared out but that doesn't mean the same for the living room all of our stuff from four rooms was all in the living room it was impossible to get through. Well anyway here are some pics.


Can you guess what this is?

My brother found it quite hilarious to crack an EGG on her head. He wasn't alone though in thinking it was funny. I think my youngest sister was the only one who didn't find it comical at all. Then again I don't think I would find it all that funny either if it happened to me. There is never a normal day in our home.
These are my siblings and me in the front. Aren't they adorable? None of us look alike if you saw us in public you would have never guessed that we were related. We don't look like are parents either except my youngest sister she looks like my dad and a lot of other people say I look like my mom but we don't see it. I don't understand where the blond hair comes from for my sister because my mom has red hair well blond now that she dyed it and my dad has brown hair so dark that it looks black. Although you don't see his hair very often because he's bald and every once in a while he will let it grow out a little but that's it. We are the most miss matched family you have ever seen.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Doesn't that look like a great ride I thought so too. I got my canter in three strides I was upright and didn't slouch it looked really nice so nice that my trainer kept telling me how great I was doing. I was so proud of my self and if you heard my mom you would of thought I won some great award or something she was so proud of me. My brother and sisters told me how great I looked and everything. Well apparently Bobbie (the horse) didn't like me getting all the attention so she decided to get some of her own and took me for a wild ride. A little too wild if you ask me she bucked, kicked,reared and cantered like crazy over and over again till I just couldn't hold on and I hit the ground. I got back on her for five minutes but that was it because my mom said I was to wobbly to ride. I ended up in the hospital with a concussion, bruised face and ribs. I was wrapped for a couple of weeks.
As soon as I was ready to ride I got back on. The whole expeireince was painful but now I know not to take up all the attention.
Me and my baby tank. Isn't he adorable? He's such a sweet hart and the best dog EVER. He says hi to everyone.
This is the horse I got to ride in the last horse show. He's not mine but he is my big baby at the barn. I hardly ever ride anybody else so I was so upset when I had to say goodbye but my mom says we can go out there one or two more times before we leave but I know I will still probably cry. I wish I can take him with me but unfortunately I can't. I really am going to miss him.
Me at my first horse show I was super nervous as you can tell in the picture. I won a third place which is not bad for my first time. I cleared all of the courses without knocking any poles down so that was a plus. Unlike my last horse show I didn't do to well and didn't place but I got to do the courses on the horse I wanted to so that made me happy, but it made me realise that I like to ride at the barn more than at a horse show but it's still cool to place. I'll write later bye for now.

Oh ya she thinks she's all that. Funny thing is she is all that.

This is for Ali