Hi Brianna Speaking Please Read And Enjoy!!!!

Aright this is my first time having a blog so I hope you like it, but if you don't well I'm not gonna change it.
Well I figured I would start off with a little bit about me. I like horses, wait, let me rephrase that I love horses almost more than anything. The only reason I can't say more than anything is because of my family and totaly awsome friends. My parents are the bomb and so is the rest of my family, and my friends are something to be said for. I can tell you now you won't find better friends than mine. I'm a used to be gymnast, but now I retired to my real dream, horses, I have three, and in the middle of training two of them. My friends say that I'm down to earth and fun to hang out with but I have no shame, my family would probably tell you the same. I work hard to get what I want in life and live it to it's fullest, you should try it, it's fun. Well I could go on and on about me but who wants that right?
Check out the blog and if you want to post a comment go right ahead, hope you have fun reading the posts and looking at the pictures.

My music


I dedicate this to Erik, you will be in our hearts forever.

Friday, February 1, 2008


Today was a disaster I couldn't get a front handspring to save my life. I crashed into the vault table over fifteen times I kept telling myself the only thing thats going to hurt me was the vault table which aparently wasn't working cause I constantly kept running into it insted of going over it. Even though I kept running into the vault and never really got hurt my poor brother was on the parallel bars and is in the hospital right now for a possibly broken hand so we are wiating to find out how he's doing. Although if it is his broken it's not anything new to this family we have had more broken bones than you can think of. My brother the oldest broke his right arm twice and left arm once, when we were really little I pushed him off a chair and droped him off a top bunk, but the bunk bed was an accident. I broke my arm on a trampoline and broke my foot when I ran it over with a four wheeler and my other sister who's ten broke her arm when we were playing in the car getting ready to go somewhere and got it shut in a car door and broke her other arm when she was being pulled on a scooter with a bike and fell over "DUMN IDEA" and she broke it again when she fell from the monkey bars and broke her sternum jumping from the tree to the trampoline and missed. My other sister who's eight broke her foot on an exercise wheel when she triped over it and my youngest sister who's seven broke her leg riding on my cousin's lap on a bike she slid forward and got her leg cought in the spokes. My mom broke her collarbone. I don't think my dad has broke anything and hopfully we won't have any more breaks.

Oh ya she thinks she's all that. Funny thing is she is all that.

This is for Ali