Hi Brianna Speaking Please Read And Enjoy!!!!

Aright this is my first time having a blog so I hope you like it, but if you don't well I'm not gonna change it.
Well I figured I would start off with a little bit about me. I like horses, wait, let me rephrase that I love horses almost more than anything. The only reason I can't say more than anything is because of my family and totaly awsome friends. My parents are the bomb and so is the rest of my family, and my friends are something to be said for. I can tell you now you won't find better friends than mine. I'm a used to be gymnast, but now I retired to my real dream, horses, I have three, and in the middle of training two of them. My friends say that I'm down to earth and fun to hang out with but I have no shame, my family would probably tell you the same. I work hard to get what I want in life and live it to it's fullest, you should try it, it's fun. Well I could go on and on about me but who wants that right?
Check out the blog and if you want to post a comment go right ahead, hope you have fun reading the posts and looking at the pictures.

My music


I dedicate this to Erik, you will be in our hearts forever.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

No Ones Perfect

Have you ever had a person that you looked up to, or thought highly of and they disappointed you doing something stupid? I have, and it hurt terribly. When you look up to someone you expect them to live up to your expectations. You can deny it but no matter who you are, at one point in your life you looked up to someone. Whether it was your mom, dad, brother, sister, family member, friend or the neighbor next door, I don't know who it was or is. One thing you need to learn now is that no one is ever going to live up to your expectations, because their not you and their only human, not God. I have had a few people I admired let me down hard, and it took me a long time to get over it, but due to recent events I have come to realize that nobodies perfect not even me (I like to believe I am some times LOL). Nobody wears a halo, and nobody wants people to think that they do, it's okay to think highly of someone, because if you lower your standard and except anything you get from somebody than that makes you the bigger disappointment. No one wants to feel pressured to be perfect to please someone else, because if it's someone you care about and they care for you as much as you do for them than they don't want to let you down, it's probably one of their biggest fears, I know it's one if mine. I don't want to disappoint the people around me, I want to be someone people can be proud of to say that's my daughter, sister, or best friend. But if you have no standard for someone to meet than they have nothing to live up to, and no one wants that either. You have to find that happy medium, and except that no one is perfect, people will make mistakes and hurt you, just don't let that be your excuse to give up on someone. You have to expect the best out of everybody but be ready for the worst. Be disappointed in them, let them see how much their actions hurt you, but also love them, forgive them and except them for who they are. Because I will repeat what I said before, NO ONE WEARS A HALO!

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Oh ya she thinks she's all that. Funny thing is she is all that.

This is for Ali