One thing that I have come to realize in my thirteen years of life, is that people will disappoint you, betray you, lose your trust, hurt you, etc. But if you can't get past those few or more people, then your biggest disappointment will be yourself. Because if you never get past the people that hurt you, and give others a chance, you can never move on to find the true friends that would do anything for you, love you, stand up for you, are there for you, know exactly what to say when your upset, and sometimes have to tell you things that you don't want to hear. I have been through many people that I thought were my friends, and in the end had to face reality. I think that if you try to please people and suck up to them, then obviously their not worth having as a friend. Now I'm not saying that you will never get into a fight with a friend, especially a best friend, because they are willing to face the consequence of telling you something you don't want to hear, and possibly lose your friendship if it's what it takes. But if you lose the friendship because you can't get over what they said to you, (if it's truly in your best interest) then you don't deserve a friend like that. And maybe it's time you take a look in a mirror see if what you see is what you would want to see in yourself or what you would want to see in someone else. Because if it's not, you might want to start trying to change that, I promise you will miss out and lose friends. Now should you tolerate a person (family doesn't count in this by the way) just because you don't want to hurt their feelings, so you would rather make yourself miserable NO!!! You don't have to be rude or nasty, but you tell them how you feel and if they don't like it too bad, it's not the way to live your life always trying to please other's. If someone doesn't like you for you, and you have to try and be something else to make them happy, than they don't deserve you as a friend. If you want a good friend you might want to start with having one like mine.
To my Best Friend,
I just wanted to say thank you for getting me through some of the tough times, being sympathetic when I was just being whinny, for being my shoulder to lean on, for always being supportive, pushing me when I wanted to give up and telling me to suck it up and drive on!
I love you girlie;)
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Oh ya she thinks she's all that. Funny thing is she is all that.
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